We are delighted to announce the two winning projects of TodaysArt 2015 Open Call! We have received 132 applications from all over the globe, 16 made it to the second round.
After a careful selection, the jury has chosen the following projects for TodaysArt 2015:
Grant Cieciura & Tiago de Sousa [UK] with Zero Movement
Abner Preis [USA/NL] with Hacking the Pier
The jury consisted of Olof van Winden, Petra Heck, Remco Schuurbiers, Ivan Antonov and Gwyneth Wentink
We aim to commission new groundbreaking works and are excited with the contribution of so many excellent proposals. We want to thank everyone for their time and dedication. Congratulations to your winners; more details of the artists, Zero Movement and Hacking the Pier will follow!